The Meaning of Taking Refuge Is Beyond Words

If you want to be true Buddhists, then you definetely cannot contend, be greedy, seek anything, be selfish, pursue benefit, or tell lies

by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, on October 18, 1990 in Poland

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After you have taken refuge with me, will you be true Buddhists or false Buddhists? If you want to be true Buddhists, then you definitely cannot contend, be greedy, seek anything, be selfish, pursue personal benefit, or tell lies. Can you do that? If you want to be true Buddhists, you have to follow these six guidelines. My vow is that anyone who takes refuge with me has to become a Buddha before I do.

Because I've always been a blunt person, I've offended many people. Not only have I offended people, I've also offended many ghosts, demons, and other strange creatures. So all of you should be careful. If you want to be my disciple, then if you hear people slander me, you have to bow to them and thank them. We don't want to be enemies with anyone. There are no enemies in Buddhism. Whoever slanders me is my good advisor.

Why do people slander and criticize me? It's because they want me to become better. They want me to be better than everyone else, so they come to instruct me. That's how you should regard such people.

Secondly, most people think I have some skill, so they want to test me out to see if I'm really up to par. The third reason people criticize me is that they're afraid their own followers will believe in me and stop making offerings to them. So if I can indirectly offer food to them, that's good. There's no need for me to contend or argue with them. Do you all agree with the three reasons I have just pointed out? If you do, then don't forget them!

Ever since I was little, I have walked the six bright paths of not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not benefiting myself, and not telling lies. Since you have taken refuge with me, I want to honestly tell you about these six bright paths. Whatever it is, if someone else wants it, I won't take it. If nobody wants a thing, I'll keep it. That's how I am. Can all of you be like this, too? If you can, then I congratulate you for being good Buddhists.

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